Wednesday, August 15, 2012

大好消息 Great News


            When I came back to Taiwan two and half months ago, my doctor saw the report of my CAT Scan.  There were tumors (3) on my liver, so his diagnosis of my condition was colorectal cancer with metastasis to the liver–stage 4.


            Afterwards, my doctor ordered PET Scan for me (My radiation doctor and I talked a lot and he told me that I was getting special treatment because he rarely saw cancer patients getting PET Scan, which shows my doctor was very careful on my case).  The test result was that the tumors on my liver were completely unresponsive to the glucose, but my doc waited a month, after he talked to the analyst, then he confirmed with me that the tumors on my liver were not cancerous.  However, my lymph nodes seemed to be swollen so he modified his diagnosis to colorectal cancer with metastasis to the lymph nodes–stage 3.  


            I had surgery last week to take out the part of the colon that was infected.  A few days later, the first lymph node biopsy report showed that my lymph node had no sign of cancer whatsoever.  My doc being very careful told me that possibly there were cancers before but they were destroyed by the radiation and chemotherapy.  No matter there were or were not cancers on my lymph nodes at first, it was a great sign because the possibility of metastasis was greatly reduced.  Yesterday the second report came out, which showed my cancer cells only grew to the muscle layer (there are 4 layers in the colon, and the muscle layer is the third layer), so it did not get to the lymph nodes (layer), so I am stage 2.  


            The doctors take out extra 6cm of colon during the surgery to make sure surrounding colon is not infected and for research purposes as well.  Of course tumor is better and easier to take out if shorter.  This is the primary purpose of radiation and chemotherapy before the surgery–to downsize the tumor.  (Now my radiation doctor said that I am privileged again because he rarely seemed this done, but the procedure here is often surgery first then treatment later.  The way my doctor is doing is according to the book, which again demonstrates that he pays extra attention on me).  I guess that I am one of the successful case, because two and half months ago, my tumor was about 5cm and before surgery, it was reduced to about 2.5cm.


            When I see this result, I want to once again thank everyone for your prayers and love!  I received medical treatments, but I believe the power of prayers even more.  Maybe next month, the medical report will come out and say, it was actually stage 1?!?


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Whatever, Jerry, we are praying that you will be cancer free!

  3. Thank you, Janice and the Cosmo Group!
